Top 5 Water Sports to Try at Nova Maldives

10 Oct 23

A person rowing a glass-bottom kayak away from the shore of Nova Maldives

Discover the thrilling experiences waiting for you at your soul place. A playground for the adventurous heart, Nova offers a world of water escapades, each promising an adrenaline rush and serenity in equal measure.

With a jam-packed schedule of never-ending fun, you can do as much or as little as your soul desires. Dive in, let go, and awaken the ocean enthusiast in you with our top picks for water sports in the Maldives:

  1. E-Foil: Surfing the Future

Elevate your surfing experience—literally—with the e-foil. Glide above the pristine waters on this electric hydrofoil surfboard, feeling the thrill of flight and surf combined. With the azure expanse beneath and the horizon ahead, every moment on the e-foil feels like a dance with the elements.

  1. Jet-Ski: The Pulse of the Waves

Feel the power of the ocean matched by the roar of a jet-ski. Cutting through waves, with the wind in your hair and the vast sea around, this is the ride for those who seek heart-pounding excitement. And with Nova’s expansive waterscape, every turn is a new adventure waiting to unfold.

Two jet-skis going in circles on the blue lagoon of Nova Maldives

  1. Seabob: The Ocean’s Joyride

Unleash your inner marine explorer with the Seabob. This high-tech aquatic scooter lets you skim the surface or dive into the crystal-clear depths with effortless grace. Experience the joy of being one with the water, with schools of colourful fish as your playful companions.

  1. Parasailing: Touch the Maldivian Sky

Ever dreamt of flying? Parasailing at Nova makes it a reality. Suspended high above, tethered to a boat, you’ll get a bird’s-eye view of our laidback natural island — a blend of shimmering blues and lush greens.

  1. Glass-Bottom Kayaking: A Window to the Deep

Kayaking gets a magical twist at Nova. Our glass-bottom kayaks let you paddle leisurely while witnessing the underwater wonders below. Every stroke takes you over coral gardens, playful marine life, and the mesmerising hues of the Maldivian seabed.

A woman rowing a glass-bottom kayak on the blue lagoon of Nova Maldives on a sunny day

Whether you’re a thrill-seeker or someone who just wants to try something new, Nova holds the key to unique and unforgettable water experiences. So, come, make memories that ripple through time.

Book your good soul days now. Reach out to us at [email protected] or talk to us at +960 66 88 777.

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